Apache Hadoop Download For Mac

  1. Apache HBase is a free and open-source, distributed and scalable Hadoop database. Whenever you need random and real-time access to your Big Data, you can use the Apache HBase. Moreover, Apache HBase aims to make it possible to host large tables (with billions of rows) atop clusters of commodity hardware.
  2. This is a maintenance release of Apache Hadoop 2.7. It addresses CVE-2018-8009. Download tar.gz (checksum signature) Download src (checksum signature) Documentation.

Bitnami Hadoop Stack Virtual Machines Bitnami Virtual Machines contain a minimal Linux operating system with Hadoop installed and configured. Using the Bitnami Virtual Machine image requires hypervisor software such as VMware Player or VirtualBox.Both of these hypervisors are.

Hadoop On Windows

Pseudo-Distributed Operation

Hadoop can also be run on a single-node in a pseudo-distributed mode where each Hadoop daemon runs in a separate Java process.


Use the following:


Apache Hadoop Download For Mac


Download Hadoop For Windows 10

Setup passphraseless ssh

Now check that you can ssh to the localhost without a passphrase:

If you cannot ssh to localhost without a passphrase, execute the following commands:


The following instructions are to run a MapReduce job locally. If you want to execute a job on YARN, see YARN on Single Node.

  1. Format the filesystem:

  2. Start NameNode daemon and DataNode daemon:

    The hadoop daemon log output is written to the $HADOOP_LOG_DIR directory (defaults to $HADOOP_HOME/logs).

  3. Browse the web interface for the NameNode; by default it is available at:

    • NameNode - http://localhost:50070/
  4. Make the HDFS directories required to execute MapReduce jobs:

  5. Copy the input files into the distributed filesystem:

  6. Run some of the examples provided:

  7. Examine the output files: Copy the output files from the distributed filesystem to the local filesystem and examine them:


    View the output files on the distributed filesystem:

  8. When you’re done, stop the daemons with:

YARN on a Single Node

You can run a MapReduce job on YARN in a pseudo-distributed mode by setting a few parameters and running ResourceManager daemon and NodeManager daemon in addition.

The following instructions assume that 1. ~ 4. steps of the above instructions are already executed.

  1. Configure parameters as follows:etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml:


  2. Start ResourceManager daemon and NodeManager daemon:

  3. Browse the web interface for the ResourceManager; by default it is available at:

    • ResourceManager - http://localhost:8088/
  4. Run a MapReduce job.

  5. When you’re done, stop the daemons with: Google slides download.

Hadoop Tutorial


This topicexplains how to install the Hortonworks driver for Apache Hive, which is a fully compliant ODBCdriver that supports multiple Hadoop distributions.

KornShell (ksh) must be installed on the Unica Campaign listener (analytic) server.


Hadoop Client Download

  1. Obtain the 64-bit version of the Hortonworks Hive ODBC driver: http://hortonworks.com/hdp/addons
  2. Install the Hortonworks ODBC driver on the Unica Campaign listener (analytic server):

    rpm -ivh hive-odbc-native-

    The default installation location of the Hortonworks Hive ODBC driver is/usr/lib/hive/lib/native.

    For more information on installing the Hortonworks Hive ODBC driver see: http://hortonworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Hortonworks-Hive-ODBC-Driver-User-Guide.pdf.

  3. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Apache Hadoop Download For Windows

See Configuring the Hortonworks Hive ODBC driver.

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